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Since 1998 NLAB delivers AUTOLAB instruments, manufactured by Metrohm Autolab BV (formerly Eco Chemie BV), the leader in production of modular, digital potentiostats-galvanostats AUTOLAB. The product range was then extended with more electrochemical apparatus, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) instruments, the equipment for interface chacterisation (tensiometers) and devices for mono- and thin layer fabrication (Langmuir-Blodgett troughs, dip-coaters, spin-coaters).

The aim of our company is to deliver instruments for advanced measurements, manufactured by leading companies in respective fields. Highest quality, reliability, superior support and service are the key values for us. Our products must work well and for many years in your laboratories.

All our people, at different stages of their career, had an experience with research work. That's why you can discuss with them the challenges and fine points of your research, and they will be able to advice on choice of instrumentation. When necessary, we can be assisted by specialists, including instrument designers working in manufacturer's product development departments.

Your satisfaction with the equipment is the greatest reward for us. We believe, that each first purchase is the beginning of a long and mutually profitable cooperation.

We represent the following companies:


Metrohm Autolab BV (Netherlands)

Metrohm Autolab, based in Utrecht, Netherlands, since 1986 designs and manufactures instruments, accessories and software for electrochemistry. Known for innovation, the Autolab was the first commercial digital potentiostat/galvanostat that was completely computer-controlled. The latest software package NOVA has again set a high standard for powerful electrochemical research software. Since 1999 r. the company, formerly named Eco Chemie BV, is a member of Metrohm, a Swiss group of companies, and is ISO 9001 certified. NLAB is the exclusive distributor of AUTOLAB products in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as an authorized service agent in these countries.


Biolin Scientific AB (Sweden)

Biolin Scientific is a provider of premium high-tech precision instruments for research within surface, diagnostic applications, material and bio-science. NLAB is the exclusive distributor in Poland of two product lines: ATTENSION tensiometers and KSV NIMA interface characterisation instruments.


Sensolytics GmbH (Germany)

Since 2004 Sensolytics develops and manufactures modular Scanning Electrochemical Microscopes (SECM), characterized by unique features – among others, the first commercialized Shearforce Distance Control. NLAB is the distributor of Sensolytics products  in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as well as an authorized service agent in these countries.


Insplorion AB (Sweden)

Insplorion AB is specialized in manufacturing instruments for nanoplasmonic sensing, harnessing localized Surface Plasmon Resonance effects.




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